Gillette Fusion ProGlide review

Gillette Fusion Proglide
We have got our hands on the new Fusion ProGlide. Read our first impressions!

I have just tried the new Gillette Fusion ProGlide for the first time. It was released in the US on June 6, 2010. According to Gillette, the ProGlide should be much more comfortable than any of their previous models! Read on to see how my face is feeling right now!

And more importantly; Can my wife really feel the difference on my face between a “classic” Fusion shave and a Fusion ProGlide shave? Read on!

It is still a “Fusion”

But first, let’s talk a bit about the product itself.

Building on the Fusion technology, the ProGlide is a five blade shaver with an additional blade on the back for trimming. The new ProGlide cartridges will easily fit on your existing Gillette Fusion shaver. If you have an old Gillette Fusion shaver (Fusion Power or Fusion Manual), there is no (or little) need to buy the entire package. Buying a pack of replacement cartidges will work just as well.

The ProGlide does come with an improved handle compared to the old Fusion, but the real difference between the two version is to be found in the cartridges.

The leading blades have been made thinner, and the lubricating strip above the blades is significantly larger to improve the glide across your face.

Comparing Gillette Fusion blades
The new ProGlide blade (bottom) has been improved with a new “microcomb” and fewer lamels before the blades. (Photo by ShavingDetective)

As you can see on the image on the left, the blade is quite similar to the old Fusion blades. But a few, significant changes can be seen.

Gillette states that the leading blades are thinner compared to the old Fusion blades. That’s probably true. But it’s not a visible difference of course. We’re talking fractions here.

But it’s easy to see that the lamels before the blades have been reduces to just a few lamels. And a new “microcomb” has been added between the lamels and the shaving blades to straighten the hairs just before cutting.

You can click the image to see a larger version.

The verdict

I can keep talking about technology, design and fancy marketing words… But in the end, it all comes down to one thing…

Is the Fusion ProGlide any better than the original Gillette Fusion???

Yes, indeed! First of all, I am impressed by the smooth sensation while I am shaving. There is no significant drag on my skin, and the blades glides easily across all parts of my face.

The Highest “Wife Acceptancy Factor”

But I never finished shaving my entire face with the ProGlide. Instead, I took this test a step further. Having finished shaving the left side of my face, I removed the ProGlide cartridge from the handle and inserted a brand new cartridge of the original Fusion type. I then carried on shaving the right hand side. As my wife returned from work, I asked her to compare the two sides, and tell me which side had the closest shave.

It took her less than 10 seconds to pronounce the Fusion ProGlide the winner! And I do the same!

As with many other cartridge type razors, the Fusion ProGlide does have one big drawback. The cost to replace cartridges on a regular basis can be a quite costly affair. But you should weigh that against the fact that you will be able to purchase your Fusion Proglide cartridges almost anywhere in the World.

Replacement cartridges available at most stores.

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    • john
    • June 9, 2010

    i was wondering if the new proglide blades fit on the old fusion handle??

    1. Hi John – appreciate your question.
      Yes, the proglide and the old fusion use the same type of cartridge and handle – so you can mix them either way. New ProGlide blades will work on standard Fusion handles. Old blades will also work on the new handle (if you’d prefer that for some odd reason)

      • Richard
      • August 8, 2011

      I am lucky to get 7 days out of the pro glide. Too much money for such a short life blade. Still like my OLD xtreme 3. I keep trying new razors, keep going back to the Schick.

      • Daron37
      • July 6, 2013

      Hey John,

      I’ve used Gillette for a long time now. My personal favourite is their Fusion series. Another thing I’ve always liked about Gillette is how they are always in touch with their customer base. I think I read somewhere they were giving out free Gillette Razors to study the market. I don’t know, I signed up for it since I didn’t have anything to lose. LOL.

      Here is the link, in case you guys are interested:

      • Steve
      • July 21, 2013

      It doesn’t matter. The hard handle when paired with their own Gel makes for the hardest to handle combo ever. These goons should have tested on their own products.

    • Dan
    • June 10, 2010

    I was on the fence as to whether this was a real upgrade or just a marketing gimmick. Looks like I’ve got my answer.

    Good stuff, buddy; thanks for the review!


    • Eric
    • June 19, 2010

    Hi, I was wondering what is the big difference between the fusion proglide and the proglide manual besides it being battery operated? Which one do you suggest does the better work?

      • Ian
      • June 20, 2011

      The biggest difference is just the vibration. I personally prefer the manual, as it’s easier and i’m more comfortable with it. The vibration takes some getting used to. It’s been described as a “barber with shaky hands” feeling. I bought both, and i only use the manual.

    • Michael
    • June 22, 2010

    Good razor, but over-priced and over hyped. New lube strip is not a significant improvement and is still the weakest part of this shaving system. I hope someone can recommend a good shave cream or gel to make this razor more useable.

      • Daniel Martin
      • July 31, 2011

      go to the “Art of shaving” expensive, but very good stuff.

      • Jeff
      • February 5, 2012

      It is an excellent razor.. Phenom shave! However.. the price is absolutely ludicris. I finished the gift set with refills I got last Christmas (2010 that is) went shopping at Cosco for refills.. saw that SIXTEEN were FORTY-FIVE DOLLARS.. and promptly went home and threw the handle in the trash.
      NOT.. NOT.. NOTTT worth what they want for them.. no matter how smooth of a shave it gives

        • Mr Greg Abbass
        • April 15, 2017

        U think there were expensive then at shoppers drug mart 8 pro glide blades were48.99 plus Taxwhere is it going 2 end but there still the best dam blades out there iam 68 years young and have tried them all .4my money the pro glide are by far the best out there .The only down side is I can only get between 8 and 10 shaves per cartridge.april 16 2017 Ps 14000 shaves later ????????????

      • Scott
      • February 3, 2014

      I use a shaving cream from Whole Foods called “Kiss my Face”. It washes out of the blade pretty easily, and it has several different scents (and unscented), and works really well. I gave up on shaving cream years ago, because the gels and lotions last longer, and are more environmentally friendly (more shaves per container by FAR). I’ve heard there are some bar soaps out there that work well, but I’ve yet to find one that doesn’t dry out my face.

        • Spanky
        • June 3, 2015

        Oh come on. I’m here to share their are several superior, real, none butane in a can alternatives and some are LESS cost. Yes get a BADGER brush. A $12 one is alright, not the $100 ones. Amazon had a Simply Basic one that fine and makes a great travel brush. Brush can hold 3 passes (re-lathering) so saves money over tin can cream.

        All these have excellent cushion and also glide/slip. Moisture holding also. They Lather fast but give each it’s time to get really thick and the varying water amount it needs.

        1. Spieck STICK. $6 (hard) Rub stick and lather (with badger). Done. Everyone loves the smell.

        2. Cella classic Italian “Croap” $8 to $12: If you like almond smell(some do not). It takes maximal water in a badger brush. Upside down, wet brush loaded under it. Shave slightly more carefully. It’s that good.

        3. TOBS pick your smell. Best of the best and a near instant cream. Easy peasy. Max protect. High rated smells. Eton Collage is nice one. Avacodo is said to be nice. Rose for that smell. Does not take much and come with a lot. About $13 on sale.

        4. Kiss My Face stuff is EXCELLENT and a value buy also. They have an unscented if you break out. Huge bottle pump. A cream.

    • Tony
    • June 25, 2010

    I get 3 months out of my regular Fusion blade! How do you only get 7 days???

      • Rooney
      • September 27, 2012

      I agree!

      1. I do 95% of my shaving in the shower. I use a fog free mirror . The hot water and steam soften the wiskers and i get 2+ weeks out of 1 blade. My wife gets almost 1 month. ( leg hair is a bit thinner anyway)

      • chris b
      • January 15, 2013

      has to depend on how often you shave and how course your beard is.
      I too am lucky to get 7-10 days out of a blade before redness starts showing up and i gotta switch.
      i shave every day, and my beard stubble the next morning compares to a pretty rough sandpaper sad to say.
      SO Speaking for myself, thats how I can see a BLADE getting used up in such a short amount of time.
      Hope it helps.
      -Chris B
      Santa Cruz, Ca

      1. You are right Chris.
        The amount of shaves per blade does depend on a series of different factors, including how coarse your beard is, how often you shave and what kind of shaving cream you use.
        There are a number of different factors, and we would probably all get different results from the same blade.

      2. I was given a free Fusion. Fine shave but blade replacement costs ARE absurd. I recently tried Harry’s Razor, totally on a sudden whim! Great shave. Equally smooth! Five blades. (Their cream is nothing special). But their blades cost at most $8 for 4. $15 for 8, $20 for 12, $25 for 16 (as cheap as $1.56 per blade), with free shipping for $15 or more.) LOVE the razor so far (a couple of months). I have a coarse beard. Harry’s does not have that extra single blade in back. Fusion users can use Harry’s and keep their fusion for the single blade. It’ll last almost forever! If those run out, split a pack among Fusion users. ~~~ BtW: Buy a nice shaving brush and really lather your shave cream onto a hot, wet face and neck. Even if you use inexpensive cream , or soap! And make sure the brush is kept hot and wet. Shaving could be fun – and not exorbitant!

          • Scott Trotter
          • November 7, 2017

          I switched to Harry’s from the fusion proglide, I really wanted to like Harry’s but I think I’m going to switch back. I end up scraping my neck nearly every time I use the Harry’s, that rarely happened with the fusion. I also get a closer shave with the Fusion. The cost is high but when you use a blade for a month or 2 the cost isn’t so bad.

  1. Pingback: Goodfella Double Edge Razor | Shaving Detective

    • Dale
    • July 30, 2010

    What a load of crap!
    Get those rediculously annoying commercials off the air. With a marketing staff that comes up with such imbecilic commercials I certainly can’t trust their design and manufacturing dept’s to do anything professional.

      • Connie Cox
      • July 30, 2012

      My husband has the regular Fusion and consistently gets 1 month from each blade and I never notice his beard being rough. I would think that guys have beards that may be coarser and harder on the blades.

  2. Try Shick, its much better. We don’t need to pay for fancy package. All we need is a good shave

      • john
      • May 15, 2011

      yeah, Schick rocks, forget Gilette

        • Scott
        • February 3, 2014

        I’d be willing to try other razors, but the Fusion has that extra single blade for trying that I use to get the hair right up under my noise. The Fusion is the first razor I’ve used that does that well. Any Schicks able to do that? I’d love to try one.

        1. Keep your Fusion for that trim. Try Harry’s razor. Five blades, as low as $1.56 per blade. (16 for $25, shipped free!) I wrote more about it, just a bit upward). Been very satisfied thus far!

        • Peter
        • August 31, 2015

        Gillette fusion is rubbish they are a bad deal do not do what is on the tin.

    • Gustaf
    • August 29, 2010

    I can vouch for the Fusion Proglide blades. Best shave ever.

    • paul
    • September 16, 2010

    I can’t see how you enjoyed the pro glide. I will agree the handle is slightly better but what a crappy feeling when shaving with it. I have used the fusion now for a couple of years and love it. But this was the worst “improvement” they could have done. It says. Has no drag funny that’s all I felt is drag. I started my save with this piece of crap then finished with my regular fusion. Don’t buy into this ne and improved crap. Stick with the reg fusion.

    1. Thanks for commenting Paul. When I tested the ProGlide, I was using the “Power” version – and I believe this really helps reduce the drag problem. But then again, so did the old fusion. I just spent a week in Greece, and only brought my ProGlide and the original blade (which by now has been used appr. 25-30 times). I only shaved every other day or so, but it still managed to give me a great shave each time. I am not saying that you get a revolutionary better shave – I just say that for me, the ProGlide is an improvement over the old Fusion. The ProGlide is not available in stores here in Europe, so I have not had the chance of testing the ProGlide with more than this single blade.

    • Joe
    • November 24, 2010

    Do any other Gillette or other brand blades fit the Fusion shaver handle? I travel extensively overseas and sometimes cannot find fusion blades.

    1. All Fusion blades (Fusion, Fusion Phenom, Fusion ProGlide, etc…) fits all other Fusion handles. But that’s about it. I doubt you’ll find any other brands to fit the Fusion handle.

  3. We should feel sorrow, but not sink under its oppression.- Confucius

    • DL
    • January 28, 2011

    I find every few years Gillette comes out with a new shaving product where the blades are MORE expensive and don’t last as long as the previous model. Some improvement! Priced at nearly four dollars per blade, the newest “shaving system”, which shaves no closer then the blades a decade ago, is outrageous. Next they will be selling a six blade product.

    1. For decades I used/loved the vintage Gillette Adjustable; nine settings enabled changes for neck, etc. Eventually the razor itself needed some minor adjustments. Gillette refused to accommodate, nor produce new ones. Too much profit in these Fusions. Twelve years ago my wife tried to get one for me for my 50th birthday. Offered huge $$. They didn’t even offer to try to find one. Now there are dozens of offerings on Ebay! ~~ Over the years, I had usually found Shick disposables better than Gillette.

    • Dave
    • February 9, 2011

    I found with each new Gillette product released the quality of their old product went down hill. I started with the SensorExcel and was very happy with it’s comfort and quality, but soon after the release of the Mach3, the sensor blades started to drag more and never lasted as long as they did. The same happened with the Mach3 when the Fusion range came out.

    Personally I don’t think there was any difference between the shave I got with my old Sensor and the shave I get with my Fusion, it just costs me more money now.

      • rd
      • May 2, 2013

      I “like” the Sensor Excel – but this last batch of blades – a draw knife would be kinder. I usually get two shaves from one blade (whole head shave). I like the Fusion – but the blades will break the bank at now $3+ per blade that I get about 4 shaves with.

    • Michael
    • February 9, 2011

    I liked the original Fusion, but didn’t like the way Gillette kept trying to tweak it to drive up the prices. I switched to the Schick Hydro 5 which costs $3 to $5 less per pack (depending on store). I also prefer the ability of the top to flip up and allow you to get closer to areas like under your nose. I found the single blade on the back of the Fusion to be less effective and more likely to cut myself with it. I have been a Gillette user since the Atra and this is the first time they lost me as a customer.

      • rd
      • May 2, 2013

      ever order blades on line? eBay has them for less than any store you walk into.

    • matthew msith
    • February 26, 2011

    think its realy good for the first 3 two 4 shaves but then does start it irratate skin so is it worth the money no but is good shave just have 2 change blade more

    • Patrick
    • February 26, 2011

    I bought the new proglide power razor here in the U.K.on the 2nd of January 2011 and am still using the first blade. I find the blades are far to expensive at £10.00 for three. I am told they only cost around 5p. to make so it does seem a bit of a rip off.It would be interesting to see how much Gillette charge in the United States and also in other parts of Europe, for the same products.

    1. Hi Patrick. I am glad to hear from you.
      As far as I can see, the prices throughout the world do differ a bit – but not much. I have no way to tell if the production cost per blade is 5p or £2, but we are of course also paying a price to use a high profile brand.
      The high prices on blades and cartridges was the main reason I created this website in the first place, and I absolutely agree with your frustration.
      Have you tried the Wilkinson Hydro 5? I got one on my trip to London a few weeks ago and will be posting my review shortly.

        • Jeff
        • February 5, 2012

        The price does differ greatly.. Because.. like any big company.. they charge not what the product costs to manufacture plus a percentage as a profit margin but what the market will bear.. or in other words.. whats the highest they can charge before they start losing customers.

    • Brad
    • March 10, 2011

    I used MACH3 since it first came out many years ago. I loved it. I recentLY gave the Fusion Proglide a try, figuring it was made by the same company and supposed to be an upgrade. So far I am very dissatisfied with it. It tugs and pulls a lot, and misses hairs, causing me to go over the area numerous times. Despite being well lathered up, I felt like I was dry shaving. Now this was shaving heavy scruff/mild beard. I’ve used MACH3 to take full beards out comfortably. Perhaps Fusion is better at daily shaving, but it cannot handle longer hairs at all.

    1. You probably have a point there, Brad… As more and more blades are added, the distance between the blades will naturally decrease. It sounds right to assume that having blades too close could give problems with longer hairs. When I tested the ProGlide, I hadn’t shaved for a few days, but I didn’t test it with very long beard.
      Nice point! Thanks for posting it here.

    • Simon
    • March 10, 2011


    Thanks for these great info, but no one has yet mentioned anything about the difference between the fusion proglide power and the proglide manual cartridges? I guess what I need to know is that which one of them gives a better shave and last longer if I was to use them with manual handle only?


    • Brad
    • March 15, 2011

    In fairness I must write a follow up to my negative review of the Fusion. Previously I used it for very heavy scruff and disliked it. I’ve recently used it several times for 1-2 days grow and it worked very well. Gave a smooth, painless shave. I think I will alternate between the Fusion and Mach3. For everyday shaving I will use the Fusion. When I occasionally let it grow out, I will use the MACH3 to clean it up.

    • Grant Morgan
    • March 18, 2011

    How long should the new Power Gillette Fusion ProGlide blade last?

    • Steven
    • March 19, 2011

    I used an old 1958 Gillette safty razor until the fall of 2009. I loved that razor, but it sometimes did leave razor burn and nicks even with all my years of experience with it. I tried the Fusion just to see what it was like and I loved it because the nicks were gone. I just used the Proglide blade and loved the improvement. However, I still have a soft spot for the old Gillette double edge blade and razor.

  4. Web site, you are very interesting to read. Very interesting and engaging.
    I look forward to seeing more.. Thank for sharring.

    • Patrick
    • March 26, 2011

    Hi Hans, With you travelling around a bit have you tried different brands of shaving gell? If so which did you prefer. Patrick

    1. Patrick, I’ve tried a few – but not many. I don’t think I’ve tried enough to pronounce a favorite yet – but I’ll definitely keep you updated. As mentioned in another reply, I’ll be posting a few articles about shaving gels shortly, so stay tuned. 🙂

    • Jerry
    • March 27, 2011

    The new proglide is the poorest Gilette razor I have used to date. The original fusion blades last for weeks when used with the fusion gel, but the proglide lubrication strip became worn out within a week, using the proglide gel. At almost £3.50 a blade, I am sticking to the original Fusion. The long lasting blade that makes paying £2.50 a blade almost worthwhile

    • new user
    • March 28, 2011

    I want to ask a new different question also about the quality of the Gillette razors and blades. Gillette have factories in Germany , Poland and in china . Does the quality of a product made in Germany equals the quality of a product made in china?
    the answer is very important to me

    • Ed
    • April 5, 2011

    It seems to me that the type of shaving foam or cream used is just as important when it comes to a comfortable shave as the razor itself.

    I used to use ordinary shaving foam, generally Gillette, and with this I personally found the Gillette fusion to be a comfortable shave as my skin seems to get easily agitated when shaving, and this one kept shaving rash to a minimum if it caused it at all.

    A year back I moved onto a shaving cream called ‘prince’ from a cosmetics company named lush (not sure if its in the states), due to the fact i was bought it for christmas and thought I may aswell give it a go.

    The improved comfort of the shave from switching from the foam to the cream was quite impressive. Moreover, i have moved to using disposable wilkinson razors, you can get a bag of about 20 for a £5er from boots n each will last about a week plus, depending how often i shave.

    Considering usually these would literally rip my face off, it is quite amazing how the biggest differencei found to shaving to be in the cream rather than the razor.

    1. Absolutely, Ed. The blade is just one part of the entire setup, and the quality of the pre-shave products and the actual shaving gel, soap or foam is definitely another important part.
      I’ll post a few articles in the near future about this, so stay with me.

    • steve
    • April 11, 2011

    My mach 3 power was in need of a replacement so seen the new fusion power thinking with more blades it would be better but it was worse than disposable razors,as someone previously mentioned it tugs and pulls and feels more like its depilating than shaving. The price of replacements are a joke too.

    Really let down with this one Gillette!

  5. Pingback: Well Groomed Dad | Blog | A Review of the Gillette Fusion ProGlide

    • Chris Jonery
    • April 13, 2011

    I recently purchased the Gillette Proglide Power razor and was very impressed with the shave UNTIL I had to purchase the replacement blades.I got over two months with the blade that came with the new handle,however when I replaced that blade with one from the replacement package,I noticed a HUGE difference in the quality of the shave.I found that after only around 4 shaves the replacement blade pulled at the hair and was very uncomfortable to use.I tried a different blade from the package but it was no better.There is no doubt they use higher quality blades with the handle to hook you into buying their cheaper inferior replacement blades..Did anyone else notice this problem??

      • CABNY
      • May 9, 2011

      I agree! It seems like they bundle better quality blades with the handle, and sell crappy replacement cartridges.
      May be more expensive to buy the handle with 1 or 2 included blades, but those included blades may last longer that all 6 or 8 replacement cartridges! WTF!

        • Coupon Shopper
        • July 23, 2011

        And for all the coupon users out there….

        It is suggested that you buy the starter kits with the handles and blades, instead of the replacement cartridge packs, since there are ALWAYS high value coupons on the starter kits and not on the cartridge packs. As you all have been saying…it’s just another way to sucker us into trying their products. But, I’m not complaining since I was able to score Fushion bundle packs for my husband for just $0.99 each!!!!

    • josef
    • April 13, 2011

    I recently bought an Gillette Fusion Pro Glide manual Razor Blades . there is a difference between blades power and manual ? i need the information from the technical point of view !!! are both of them work the same ?

    Thank You Josef Harel

    • Kevin
    • April 23, 2011

    My mach3 power handle finally broke. I’ve had it for years, never replaced battery, still the original that came with the unit. But the suction cups holding it on the shower wall failed too many times, falling into the shower finally caused the casing to crack and the power is done. The vibration doesn’t necessarily give a closer shave but it is smoother. I can’t find a replacement. I have 18 blades (@$38.00/20 blades I’m not throwing them away). Did Gillette discontinue the Mach3 power for fusion power? The only ones I can find, on two online sites, are $25.00 or more. Obviously marked up because they aren’t readily available. Where can I get one at regular price ($10)?

    1. You should still be able to find the Mach 3 Power in some places.

      In the US, you can buy it from RazorsDirect ( at $10.99.

      EDIT: Oh – just realized it was out of stock with them… 🙁 I’ll keep searching!

    • Hiran
    • April 24, 2011

    Hi! I am totally confused with the gilette Fusion series. Please tell me the difference between Proglide, Phantom, & Gamer razors. I understand the cartridges are the same for all.

    1. I understand the confusion. But it’s quite simple… The Fusion, Fusion Gamer and Fusion MVP and Phantom is the same product with similar blades. There is only a difference in color and design.

      The ProGlide however is an improved product. You could call it a “version 2” of the original Fusion series. The features on the cartridge has changed, and so has the coating on the blades. You can still use ALL fusion blades on ALL fusion razors, so you don’t have to buy the new ProGlide handle if you already have an older Fusion. Just get the new ProGlide blades.

    • James Robertson
    • May 1, 2011

    I am bedridden in hospital and my wife has bought me a gillette battery operated fusion proglide power razor. Can I use it for a dry shave as I cannot use the electricity

    1. James, if you are able to moisten your skin in any way it will definitely help. And even though I wouldn’t recommend using any manual razor on dry skin, it is of course possible.

      A few tips though.. 1) Don’t shave just after waking up. At this time your skin is very dry, so you should allow at least 10 minutes to allow the natural oils to “wake up”. 2) If possible, get some wet towels (preferably hot towels) or similar to cover your face for a few minutes before shaving. This will also help moisten your skin and soften your bristles. 3) Be gentle – and apply some sort of moisturizing creme or gel to your face afterwards.

      So even though the Fusion razor are meant for wetshaving, it is possible to use it on a dry face. I’m not sure I would turn on the battery though – but you can experiment to see what fits you the best.

      All my best wishes, James!

  6. I’ve recently switched from Fusion to Fusion Proglide and regret it SO much. The Proglide is great – first time. They do not last as long as regular Fusion and I will be switching back ASAP.

    1. A friend of mine told me about this website. He has been using there Fusion Proglides for several months now and says the live up to the claims on the website, They cryogenically freeze the blades to -300 F and claim they last 300% longer, or 4 cartridges = 16, 8=32 etc. They carry several common brands and models. We are both very hairy guys. I shave once or twice a week and have pretty thick/long hair each time I get around to shaving. I am on my 7th shave with my first Proglide cartridge and it feels as sharp as the first. The moisturizing strip is showing quite a bit of wear, My friend says they are pretty much gone and the razors are still good. They prices aren’t much different than the non treated ones, and the shipping is reasonable. I bought a Gillete Venus Embrace for my wife and mom, and am getting my dad some Proglide cartridges as well. I previously used regular Fusions and they worked well but didn’t hold an edge very long. So I think this might be the way to go no matter what razor you use. They are claiming 28 shaves per cartridge compared to 7 shaves on a normal one. I probably got 7 or maybe a few more on my normal Fusions but they were pretty getting pretty dull by then. I will try to post back when I switch to my 2nd cartridge. I do use the old Fusion power handle like others have said I don’t really know if it makes a difference or not, but it can’t hurt.

      Thanks, Jason

    • yourmom
    • May 11, 2011

    I ABSOLUTELY HATE THIS RAZOR, i can get a closer shave using my fingernails

    • Jason K
    • May 15, 2011

    I accidentally put htpp:// as my website when you click on my name. For the record I am not affiliated with them other than being a customer. BTW for the guys saying that MACH 3’s are better than Fusion for heavier growth, I totally disagree I’ve had some 1/8″ or so growth ( week or 2) that the Fusion takes out much faster with less skin irritation. But maybe there mileage varies. Does anyone remember what the old Schick model that curved in the middle of the blades (contured to your face) was called? Those were the only Schick product I ever really liked, I’ve tried lots of other brands and always go back to Gillette. The best a man can get. lol, not PC anymore.

    Thanks, Jason K

    • mike
    • May 27, 2011

    I have been shaving for 32 years, using exclusively Gillette products.
    I feel the quality of the blade is in fact manipulated to induce customers to switch to the last and (much) more expensive model.
    However what brought me to search this subject today is that I experienced 2 severe facial cuts in the last 2 months while using the fusion blades (after 2 and 3 shaves with each respectively). I am a 48 years old french microsurgeon and I believe my hands are as expert as ever. I suspect there is a flaw in the binding of the blades within the cartridge that allows them to diverge under pressure onto the skin thus creating the necessary conditions for this very unusual deep cuts.
    Anyone can comment on this ?

    • Patrick
    • June 14, 2011

    I changed to the fusion proglide power razor and blades on the 2nd of January this year and the blade is lasting me 4 to 6 weeks. I shave every day and have as I think a heavy growth. I have put a manual fusion proglide blade in the razor and to be honest there is hardly any difference between those and the power blades,and they are around £2 cheaper for a pack of three here in the U.K.
    I find that this razor and blades gives me the best shave that I have ever had and I have tried many different makes.
    I have also tried different shaving gels and I must admit that the Gillette Series gels are as good if not better than all your more expensive ones.
    I hope this feedback is useful to the users of the site it is what i personally have found and I am not writing it to cause offence to anyone. Thank You shaving detective for the use of your site . . Patrick

    • Mark
    • June 15, 2011

    I have been shaving since I was 14 years old (I am 30 now), I was an early starter due to a very heavy/thick dark hair growth, I started with an old (well it is now) Gillette double edged razor that my Grandfather gave me, with an old fashioned horse hair brush and soap bowl, this has, over the years, proved to be the best shaving equipment I was ever to use, the shave was SO close it was comparable to one by a Cut-throat razor (which if you ever have one done, you will never want anything else again).

    As you can imagine, these items were phased out over the years, regrettably, due to breakages/lack of replacement blades etc.

    I have found that the Gillette Fusion Power is probably the closest match to that original shave quality I have been used to, I have tried many razors and gels/foams (including electric) but my recommendations will stay with the Fusion Power, Gillette Shave Gel (the sensitive skin one, I would recommend this even if you don’t need it, it helps the blades glide so much easier than any other.

    This new Proglide system is an interesting concept, I can see why they have done it (apart from the obvious financial gains) my only issue is that with blades as expensive as they are, is it really worth the difference, sadly due to my facial hair I get a VERY POOR 3/4 shaves per blade, unless I shave every day, then it’s approximately 7/8 shaves. If I shave @ 8am my stubble is already returning by about 2pm, by the next morning I have what most people have in 2 days!!

    All in all, I think I’m going to stay with what I am using now, the cost increase just does not seem to outweigh the gains of a slightly smoother shave, I will comment again if I do change my mind and give it a try. thanks all for your helpful and insightful comments and a big thanks to the site operator for the opportunity to check this out.

    • Denis
    • June 27, 2011

    Does anyone know what is the difference between the manual and power blades of the proglide or fusion. Obviously the fusion power or proglide power handle contains the battery. But what about the blade itself? I understand the battery powers the blade which sends vibration which makes the hairs stand up for a shave. However is it the case that if I attach a manual blade to a power handle that this effect does not occur? I am not affiliated to the following company but Boots in the UK have an offer.. £6.25 for 9 blades and the manual proglide razor. I am thinking of using the manual blades on my fusion power handle. Any advice whether this would work?

    • Mark
    • July 1, 2011

    @ Denis: As far as I know, there are some differences such as the lubricant formula and the rubber strip for stretching the skin on your face at the bottom of the blade but as for the vibrations being sent to the blades on the “Power” model, you will get the same thing from using a normal blade with the power handle. The vibrations are just sent to the head of the razor, not specifically to the blades themselves so the effect is pretty much the same, It’s all down to personal preference for shave comfort, if you can get away with using the normal blades on the power handle then you go for it! 🙂

    • Mack
    • July 4, 2011

    I have proglide manual razor and I love it. Are the cartridges for proglide manual and power different? I ask because I came across a great deal on proglide power cartridges on amazon and I am curious if they work on the manual razor.


    1. You can easily use the Power blades on the manual handle. No problem! There is a slight (very slight) difference in the blades (e.g. the Power blades have a different gel strip than the manual ones), but apart from that it’s the same blade.

        • Mack
        • July 5, 2011

        thank you!

    • Patrick
    • July 9, 2011

    Has anyone tried different shave gels at all when using the Fusion Pro Glide Power razor I would be interested in your views. Patrick

    • John
    • July 14, 2011

    I came to this website as I surfed to find information about Gillette blades not lasting as long as they once did.

    I used to shave daily, but as I have aged, I have decided that every other day is sufficient. I would not say I have a heavy beard. I am certainly not a 5 o’clock shadow type guy. However, I have always tried to get “baby-faced” smooth and readily will shave the same area 2-3 times and go “against the grain” in a session to do so. I use a Mach III blade and either Edge (with the Aloe or for sensitive skin) or its private label equivalent. I use hot water and moisten the face by covering it with a hot wash cloth for 10-20 seconds before applying the shaving gel. I don’t wash with soap because I do that the night before and figure the oils that appear overnight and that remain in the morning after applying the wash cloth, will only mix with the oils, aloe, etc. from the gel.

    What I have noticed over time is that the blades seem to last less and less. I generally only get three shaves with them and the lube strip at the top of the blade turns from blue/green to completely white by the third shave indicating, according to Gillette the need to be replaced – and the blade begins to drag and pull. Years ago, by contrast, I could get 7 shaves (a week) from a blade and that was fine. But it seems that Gillette is trying to cheapen at least their old products like the Mach III and get people to change blades more often and pay more (inflation-adjusted)than was the case in the past.

    Am I alone in my observations or are others seeing the same thing? Is it my shaving practices that need reforming, or the shaving gel? My first two shaves with a new blade are entirely satisfactory, but blades have become expensive enough over the years and in my opinion, should at least last as long as they once did. My opinion of Gillette has markedly declined over the years as a result and yet I feel they are so dominate, that there is not much choice beyond Schick (unless you want to try Wilkinson Sword or (gasp!) BIC throwaways.

    I would appreciate any and all comments on the foregoing.

      • gg
      • July 19, 2012

      I agree – have been using Mach 3 since about 3-4 years and in the last year or so, seen a major fall in usable life of the blades – after 5-6 shaves, it just doesn’t shave as closely. I suspect its a due to Gillette cutting corners on older models and/or wanting to push us to their latest & greatest offering. I am seriously think to move to Schick Hydro 5 rather than Fusion just for this reason.

    • Michael
    • July 16, 2011

    I have tried all the Madison Avenue hype regarding shaving, and when you roll it all out on the table, nothing, and I mean NOTHING will beat the good, old fashion wet shave, the way my father taught me to do. I use a vintage DE adjustable Gillett razor, stainless blades, a badger hair brush and good shaving soap. It works. For a hell of a lot less than all those fancy thingies on the market now. Yup.

      • BScholles
      • July 28, 2011

      I agree, the old fashioned wet shave complete with badger brush and Williams shave soap is the best.

      I have used the Proglide vs. the original Fusion, Fusion Power, etc. While the Proglide does give a better shave initially, the thinner blades do not remain sharp as long. I used to get almost a month’s worth of shaves from the original Fusion Power blade. That’s right, a month. Now I’m lucky to get a week’s worth of shaves from the Proglide before it turns nasty and the drag is just too much to take.

      At best the thinner blade is a trade off, and at close to $4.00 per blade, one you may not be willing to pay for.

      Barry S.

    • James (UK)
    • July 24, 2011

    Hi guys,
    Useful, helpful site!

    Here are my “personal” tips which I hope you can benefit from…..

    (I’m not affiliated to any personal grooming companies etc!)

    I have personally used + compared numerous different razors over the past 30 years and ultimately always end up coming back to Gillette blades because, for me, they are far superior to any other blades on the market.

    I DEMAND a super-close, super-smooth + super-safe shave!

    For me, the best 2 blades are the FUSION PROGLIDE POWER and THE M3 POWER – I find either blade/both blades excellent!

    But, like many others, I DISLIKE the fact that the blades cost so much and last such a short time!


    1. Use a great quality Shaving Cream – for me, “PRORASO” (150g tube) is the BEST! It’s been produced by an EXTREMELY highly-regarded Italian Company for more than 85 years. Primary ingredients are Eucalyptus Oil, Coconut Oil + Menthol.
    You can get it on Amazon for £6 and it lasts around 6-12mths depending on useage.

    Why do I rate it so highly?
    a. Awesomely smooth, thick, super-long-lasting + great-smelling lather LUBRICATES skin like no other.
    b. Only a tiny amount is required. Use approx a fingernail’s-worth. No more or the lather will be too thick.
    c. Awesome value-for-money product.

    2. Keep the blades “DRY” when not in use – shake excess water off the blades + blot them dry with a towel – and “STROP” your blades after each shave to remove all microscopic particles + to hone the cutting edge.

    BLADE ‘DULLNESS’ is primarily due to OXIDATION (microscopic RUSTING + CORROSION) due to the blades remaining wet/damp for long periods.

    STROP/Swipe the blades quickly 10-15 times AWAY FROM YOU, on a tautly stretched pair of jeans/a piece of leather/or even a sheet or a curtain etc, before and after shaving.
    ie Swipe in the OPPOSITE direction to which you shave – SO THERE IS ‘NO’ ABRASION OR SHAVING EFFECT – you are SWIPING WITH the grain, so to speak.
    Then store back in protective cover in a dry place (ie away from damp/steamy/wet environment).

    It soon becomes a simple habit, so DON’T BE LAZY + SKIP THIS IMPORTANT STEP!

    Razor blades don’t really get dull from use.
    Steel is, after all, much harder than hair!
    What most people perceive as “dullness” of the blades is actually OXIDATION (microscopic rusting/corrosion) + MISALIGNMENT of the blades.

    Water that sits on blades between shaves causes the oxidation. This Oxidation, (Rusting + Corrosion), causes metal on the blade to flake off and the edge becomes blunt and jagged. This results in the blades pulling and tearing hairs instead of cleanly slicing through them.

    So,to extend the life of your razor-blades by up to 3x:
    1. Use “PRORASO” shaving cream or another hi-quality cream.
    2. Thoroughly “DRY” your blades after each shave.
    3. “STROP” your blades before + after each shave.

    Hope the above Tips help you……
    GOOD LUCK!!!


      • Joe
      • October 26, 2013

      If so, then what about hitting it with the hair dryer?

    • Joe McSorley
    • August 12, 2011

    I use a Gillette Fusion I have a ProGlide Power which I got as a “freebee” from Gillette,I haven’t used it yet as I have some Fusion cartridges to use up first.

    I recently discovered Original Source for Men sensitive shave gel with avocado oil and aloe vera (on offer at £1) it is usually £2/2.50, I have found it to be better, and, cheaper than Gilette’s gel.


    • Brad
    • August 16, 2011

    Tried the Fusion ProGlide Power for the first time today. WOW! what a difference, I had been using the regular fusion blades for some time and was always satisfied, but this is much better to me. I agree with you article completely. Also I do use the Gillette thermal scrub before I shave and I believe it does help a great deal. It cleans and warms my beard, and helps the razor glide through what I believe is a fairly rough beard.

    • josh
    • September 9, 2011

    What does the power button do on this razor when its on??

    1. The power function will make the razor vibrate slightly. This should help lift the hair and give you an even closer shave… I can’t tell the difference between power and manual in the quality of the shave – but the tickling is rather fun! 😉

    • DVR
    • September 17, 2011

    I think it is worth to mention that the “microcomb” which you mentioned and show on the photo, is present only on “Fusion Prodlide Power” blades, but is absent on the manual “Fusion Prodlide”… So the cartridge blade for power and manual versions actually differ.

    1. You are absolutely right. I only realized this a few days ago when the ProGlide was released in Denmark. The press kit I received from Gillette last year did not mention this – in fact, they promoted the microcomb as a general ProGlide feature.
      But thanks for pointing this out – I will probably make a short article about this, as it is quite useful info!

        • Oz
        • September 19, 2011

        Is there any differnce between the original Manual and Power Fusion cartidge?

    • shawn g
    • September 22, 2011

    I’m not sure how much of micro-comb is science or fluff. But something about the power version of this razor gives me an AWESOME shave. I’ve tried DE & many other cart style razors but the proglide power one is my fav by a longshot. WHen I shave with this razor the proof of the shave is honestly in the sink. I get MADDD hair just globs and globs of hair in the sink and I NEVER get that w/ any other cart like schick hydro or pace 6 bladed razor. Wow.

    • Roger Ferris
    • September 25, 2011

    I have the manual Proglide, and it is the best safety razor I have used in many decades of shaving. I have several very expensive safety razors, but none of them can compare with the Proglide. I had tried the first “Fusion” razor, and it was uncomfortable and I felt a lot of pulling and drag on my face. But with the Fusion Proglide, I feel the best and smoothest shave I’ve ever gotten. The cartridges are expensive, but for such a comfortable and super-close shave, I’m “in” for the long term.

    Thank you for posting your report. Your wife is a discerning lady–cheers for the Mrs.

    • frank
    • September 26, 2011

    just bought 1 of your gillette fusion razers .the best razer i ever tryed,, ty keep up with the good work

    • mhikl
    • February 25, 2012

    The original five blade Gillette laster four or more weeks. With each iteration, the quality was still good but the life deteriorated as the price skyrocketed. I returned to my electric Philips and when the rechargeable battery died I bought a new Philips but this time without the battery. It didn’t take long before I was shaving for free with the money I saved from buying blades.

    I have better things to use my money on. And hey, with so many styles from close shaved to stubble, Gillette’s advertising has become meaningless to those who question the rhetoric of advertising.

    • Rob
    • February 29, 2012

    Although the shave is great, I find it frustrating that the “motor” seems to fail a lot. Thank God for Costco they replace them but I don’t seem to get more than two months out of little motor. I am careful not to submerge it in water and have changed batteries but they just seem to die.

    • hermit
    • March 9, 2012

    New fangled Gillette system is only as good as it fits the bill of a hyped melee. I thought am the only one before reading SO many comments here but now am sure Gillette is doing what highway robbers does !! Old generation refills don’t go past even a week now whereas latest release may see you shaving past 3 months. Gillette surly knows what they are doing so I have moved over to disposable shavers sometime ago while ditching the foams and gels too. I am happy with the set up and very fractional trade-off … IF ANY.

    • Depends on the guy. with how long the blades last
    • April 22, 2012

    I truly believe that it depends on how fast one man’s face grows hair than the other, as well as how thick the hairs are. It’s not just “cut and dry” so to speak. One razor will last twice as long as it will for another man. Some of it is common sense, some of it is not. I have a major 5pm shadow if I shave early in the AM. My hair grows quickly in. I used to be able to shave every other day and it wasn’t a big deal. Now in my mid 30’s it’s every day or I have to deal with a major hair growth to shave the next day. Some guys can get away with shaving every other day and it doesn’t look to bad and they don’t have to really pull at their face to get a nice shave. I don’t see a big difference between the proglide and power but that’s my opinion. If anything it’s a little bit easier to shave but the blades do not last longer at all. It’s a stretch to get 2 weeks out of a blade for me.

    • Franklin
    • October 22, 2012

    For years I have used disposable razors. My wife gave me a M3 power some years ago, I used it with the spares that came with it, then went out to purchase more blades and when I saw the price I went back to disposable razors. Its been like three or four years since I have used the M3, and My mom gave me a Regular fusion system. I gave it a try and for the first time I was impressed with a shave!! I had to tell my mom and my wife how smoooth a shave, I lathered up my face gave the first stroke and it felt like I was only sliding the foam away, but I was actually removing my beard, I did not even hear the scraping sound you usually hear when shaving. So I have been all hyped up with the fusion, so I went out to see the prices of the replacements and down went all my excitement $5.00 each!! in a 4 pack. I ended buying M3 regulars, I will miss the smoothness of the fusion untill prices go down. I will also check out the prices of the Quatro.


  7. I recently started using this razor when I couldn’t find Sensor blades in the store. I absolutely hate the Fusion ProGlide as compared to my old two blade Sensor. As many noted, the replacement razors are cheap quality and don’t last long at all. After 30 years of using a Sensor, I think the longer face of the ProGlide makes for a slower more laborious shave. I wouldn’t say it provides a better shave than my old Sensor’s either. Throw in the cost of the blades and I say this product is a total disappointment and seems to be not much more than a scam to increase prices. I’ll just try harder to find Sensor blades. Its either that or try Schick.

    • Dilip Sharma
    • December 26, 2012

    Can I use the normal fusion blades with the PROGLIDE POWER razor…?

      • wob to the nob
      • December 30, 2012

      i just did a fairly quick skim of this page and i think i saw that answer like five times dude. not to mention it is in like the third paragraph of the initial review.
      but anyways, you sure can brotha! do whatever works best for ya! Any fusion blades will work with any fusion handle, according to some of these previous comments. so I’d probly go with whatever is cheapest..
      however Gillette seems to be trying to con everyone into getting only their newest/most expensive products by skimping on the quality of previous ones. and that is wack! perhaps I will try schick next…

    1. Dilip: Yes, you can. All Fusion blades will work.

    • Mark
    • March 2, 2013

    Found a site that sells that sells these razors for cheap. Bought them myself from this store and received a week after!
    Wanna help you guys out, Check it out!

    • silkysmooth
    • March 26, 2013

    I used it all in 30 years exp. including
    Straight razors – Extremely time consuming, you need tons of spare time and lots of skills
    De safety razors – High maintenance / razor burn inescapable even you got the best of all
    You name it, silvertip brushes, feather blades, belgian coticules (Now you know, what I know)
    And all Gillette cartridge line in it`s history.
    Pro glide is is something else. Thinner blades done the job.
    Not just the fastest shave but also the smoothest and pain free. The end result always pleasure, no redness on neck next day with some pimples/bumps. Most of all only getting “nice shave” comment from my partner when I shave with pro-glide
    You can`t really compare it to fusion (total crap) it was like windows vista and now we have windows 7.
    One big advice never ever buy gillette pro glide cartridges on ebay like places. Even it`s listed as %100 genuine. You will most likely get fakes. Happened to me even with very high feedback sellers.
    People who talks about the cost of cartridges against owning a staright or a de system, you having a laugh right ?

    • Maria
    • May 12, 2013

    This looks like a good razor for women as well. Should a woman get the pro use with r without batteries for bikini shaving?

    • Maria
    • May 13, 2013

    I take epsom baths what if I shave while taking one? Will it be a better shave?

  8. Love the shave quick and smooth,dont have to shave as often but the price of refills will go back to my electric

    • Lukic83
    • October 28, 2013

    I started using Gillette Fusion ProGlide Manual about ten days ago, thanks to a massive testing project carried on by Procter&Gamble. After around ten shaves I can firmly say that it’s the best manual razor I’ve ever used (still I’ve always used Gillette Manual razors). The most clear gain concerns the number of effective shaves without any performance breakedown with one single head. At the tenth shave there’s still no evidence of skin irritation and green smoothing bar fade. I guess I will be able to use it for five further shaves. The recharging heads are a bit expensive somehow I ‘m sure they do worth the purchase.

    Pros : Easy To Use,Good Value,Reduces Irritation
    Cons : Expensive Recharges
    Best Uses : Everyday Use,In-shower Shaving,Sensitive Areas

    • Tony
    • December 6, 2013

    Lots of guys on here with very soft beards it seems. I have a very tough beard and I can only get 3 shaves maximum with a proglide blade. I only shave once per week and my beard gets long. The proglide is the only blade I found that doesn’t cut me but it is way too expensive. I purchased my blades from ebay so maybe I got an inferior product.

    • David G.
    • December 22, 2013

    I started using the Gillette proglide razor on August 19, 2013.
    I got it as a gift. Before that i was using a Schick which was good
    Now it is December 21, 2013 and i am still using the same blade!
    I have to shave every day and this is the longest i have had a blade last!
    And i am 74 years of age! Now i don’t expect it to outlast me and i realize the blades are expensive. But before proglide i was changing a blade once a month. If prodlide always lasts 4 months it is more than economic to use in comparison with Schick and others.

    • Tina
    • March 29, 2014

    Looking at all the comments and I didn’t see any comments from women, so let me be the first!! I never cared that this razor is geared mostly toward men, I liked the design and I could care less if it was pink, designed with a sleek slim handle or came with a pretty holder. All I care….like you guys is how smooth the shave is. I agree with the Shaving Detectives wife, there is a definite difference on how much better the hubbys face felt and he felt the difference (and liked it) while he was shaving and how much better the overall shaving experience was.

    It nearly takes my breath away when I go to Walmart I (live in South Texas) who charges $34.97 for (8) Proglide Cartridges, which they now put in plastic containers that can only be taken off at the registers because of the high theft that has been occurring. BUT, me being a Ebay fanatic, I purchase a lot of “stuff” off of there, I just bid and won a set of (8) Gillette Proglide cartridges for $12.35 with free shipping….woohoo!! They do have different type of Gillette cartridges if your not interested in the Proglide that you can usually purchase for as much as 60+% off and they are authentic and NIB (new in box) just read the descriptions to make sure that’s the case.

    Now, Shaving Detective….or anyone who knows about this product. I would like your input on something I saw on Ebay. It’s called a Gillette Fusion Razor Blade Boot. Have you ever heard of it? It’s on Ebay and it claims it’s supposed to extend the life of the blade 3 months. I’ve looked for reviews online and can’t find any. Would like your input. And by the way, it’s no on the Gillette site. My husband’s beard is like barbed wire, so he goes thru blades quicker than most, so I’m definitely interested in something that might extend the life of the blades.

    • Sheroff
    • April 23, 2014

    What is the use of this vibration function?Is it useful?

    • Johnb21
    • May 19, 2014

    Really enjoyed reading ur blog. cfebdfegfakd

    • Nag
    • June 8, 2014

    Very nice blog. I’ve been using Gillette Fusion Power since 7 years now (bought while in US) and was planning to buy the cartridges, thanks for Shaving Detective for clarifying that we can use Fusion ProGlide catridge for fusion Power too. Currently I live in UK and found the cheapest online When researched – which is really cheap considering even Ebay.. Hope this might help u folks. On average its around 1.3 to 1.6 pounds per cartridge.

  9. This seems to be like my own enclosure I purchased only recently, extremely happy with it for everyone upon the fence with regards to getting one, do it, you will
    not regret it

    • Gary Jones
    • November 21, 2014

    Mach 3 is way better. The comfort strips are falling off after 7 shaves. I was supprised how bad the shave was, no joke my mach 3 blade I’d been nursing for over a year was still better

    • Gary Jones
    • November 21, 2014

    Oh and it’s imposible to clean

    • David Start
    • February 19, 2016

    In my experience the blades last no more than a week. This compares to about 6 weeks for Wilkinson Sword Hydro 3.

    • Ed
    • September 8, 2017

    What is the difference between the cartridges Fusion and Fusion Power as there is price difference?

    1. As far as I know, there is no difference at all. Just go for the cheapest option. Even if there is a slight difference in the coating (giving a theoretically better durability), the price difference is not worth it.

  10. This looks like a good razor for women as well. Should a woman get the pro use with r without batteries for bikini shaving?

  11. I just got Gillette Fusion ProGlide razor from my wife and i love how it make my face feel, In my life have tryed a lot of Razor’s and by far this one is the best.

    • Todd
    • June 21, 2020

    Thanks for putting this together, and for your community for all the comments! I’ve had a fusion power for years, although the power part stopped working a while ago. I never found the power aspect to help anything, but it was the best shave out there. For the first time in my life the razor actually broke, so I’m choosing a new one.

    Based on your reviews and the comments, I’m going to try the Proglide. It sounds like I won’t be able to truly evaluate it until I buy new blades, and I still have plenty of Fusion blades for now.

    • Todd
    • June 21, 2020

    Also, a bunch of people mentioned cost of the Gillette razors. I agree. While it won’t make them cheaper than Schick or Harry’s, using Amazon “subscribe and save” can get you discounts, especially if you have 5+products that month.
    I find Amazon to be slightly less expensive than my local store. Then the no commitment subscription takes 5% off, but I only buy when I have 4other items so it’s 15% off.

    Hope that helps some!

    • Todd
    • June 21, 2020

    Have you looked at Proglide vs Proguide shield?

    Gillette says the difference is
    “Lubrication Before & After the Blades
    Helps shield from irritation while you shave.”

    Have you or anyone here tried both to see if it makes any difference?

Comments are closed.