The market for Double Edge razors is usually quite predictable with the german Merkur razors as some of the most popular models. But every now and then, a new player hits the market. One of these players is the New Zealand based KiwiShaver, who present a beautiful and stylish razor – in a classic design. Meet the Goodfella.
The Goodfella is a classic chrome Double Edge razor in a clean, almost clinical, design. At first, it struck me as a very small razor, but it actually handles extremely well and is perfectly balanced. The Goodfella was my first attempt at a DE razor, and I must say that it impressed me with its great looks and the gentle shave it provides.
At first, I thought that the short and slick handle would be slippery and hard to hold once it got wet. It turned out to fit perfectly in my hand – and never slipped a bit! The centre of balance was perfect for me, but I will not guarantee that it will fit anyone just as good. Like it goes for any other razor, it really is a matter of preference.
The Goodfella is not an aggressive razor – in fact, you have to try quite hard to cut yourself with the open comb design. For anyone who wants to move from the cartridge type of razor (like Gillette Fusion Proglide or Shick Hydro), the Goodfella is a great place to start.
A few days ago, I bought my second DE razor – a vintage Gillette Old Style from around 1910. The Goodfella and the Old Style are very similar in the design, size and general feel. And when you look at the two, it’s hard to see that a hundred years have passed. At least when it comes to design. They are both beautiful additions to my bathroom counter – and both provide a great, gentle shave.
The backside of getting a beatiful, well crafted razor from a young company – and even with a stunning lifetime guarantee – is a price tag in the high end of the market. The basic version of the Goodfella sells at appr. USD $69. But if you want a mild DE razor with a classic look – I believe the Goodfella is a great catch! I know I will hang on to mine!
I love you wordpress theme, did you make it or is it available free somewhere.
Thanks Rhonda – it´s actually a mix. The original theme was called “Orange Coffee”, but there is not much left from that, apart from some color inspiration. The current theme is my own design. 🙂